i think a good laugh is in order. i have posted this before on my private blog and on facebook nut it has been years since i have posted it enjy the laogh
1. at lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars, see if they slow down.
2.Page yourself over the intercom, don't disguise your voice.
3.every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.
4.put your garbage can on your desk and label it "in."
5.put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions switch to espresso.
6.in the memo field of all your checks, write "for smuggling diamonds."
7.finish all your sentences with "in accordance with the prophecy."
8. don t use any punctuation
9.as often as possible, skip rather then walk.
10. order a diet water whenever you go out to eat; with a serious face.
11.specify that your drive-threw order is "to go."
12. sing along at the opera.
13.go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.
14.put mosquito netting around your work area and play tropical sounds all day.
15. five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because you're not in the mood.
16.have your co-workers address you by your wrestling name, rock bottom.
17. when the money comes out the atm, scream "i won!, i won!"
18.when leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot, yelling "run for your lives, they're loose."
19.tell your children over dinner. "due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go."
goals for 2012
my BIG & ONLY goal is to become a better me
i have decided that i will accomplish this goal by breacking it down to smaller goals for differnt aspects of my life some are personal some is one that is not here are some that are not so personal
#1 live simply. live with stuff that i need and use get rid of stuff i dont need.
well there are more however i will blog about this one for now
i have decided that i will accomplish this goal by breacking it down to smaller goals for differnt aspects of my life some are personal some is one that is not here are some that are not so personal
#1 live simply. live with stuff that i need and use get rid of stuff i dont need.
well there are more however i will blog about this one for now
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
well isnt it ironic
Monday, March 12, 2012
i have lost an average house cat
Saturday, March 10, 2012
what are your thoughts
i was on facebook and i noticed an ad pretty much taking about makeing money with your hobbie or something like that & this is what i got
How To Take Two Weeks Off Every 3 Months & Make More Money, Play More And Build A Bigger Business
By: Sandi Krakowski
The responses have been varied. Everything from, "Well sure, a millionaire can do that" to things like, "I wish I could do that. Can you teach me how? Oh sure, that's impossible!"
When people hear that this year I've planned 2 weeks off every 3 months, they are shocked. One very analytical client wrote, "Ok, how does this work? You'll be off all appointments and coaching 3 full months this year?!" I replied with a chuckle, "Yeah, isn't it great?"
Today I want to share with you how to take more time off, make more money, play more, enjoy your life and build a big business all at the same time. It won't require you have a big team of staff like we do, you don't have to wait until you have a payroll of more than 200 hours per week either. You can do it simply and you can do it now.
First things first.
How do you feel when I say I am taking this much time off? Do you feel like that is good for others but it would never happen to you? Does your blood pressure rise? Do you feel anger or even jealousy? Oh come on now, be honest. I had ALL of those feelings in my past of building businesses. When someone told me 14 years ago that it would be a good plan to have at least 4 months of all expenses tucked away for an emergency the first thing that flew out of my mouth was, "Well I'd like to have just one week, thank you very much!" Can you relate?
It would frustrate me when people said to take time off, rest more, relax and take good care of myself. I was STRIVING to build a big business and chasing my dream! For goodness sake I'll sleep when I am dead! And sadly, dead I almost was. Crashed. Sicker than a dog some 8 years ago. Ready to kick it all in. Forget it. Give up, this is a pipe dream and to be very blatantly honestly, these words flew out of my mouth,
"There is no way in hell I will EVER build a business, ever again."
But God. WOW.
Taking time off and really enjoying it takes much more than just a big bankroll. It takes a big belief. You have to first change your beliefs about time off and time on. Sadly, the corporate mindset has programmed so many people to ONLY enjoy time off and to resent time on that most people live for weekends. What a pathetic way to live. Sad. But let's examine this statement for what it is.
Time off and time on is a corporate mentality that infers that we disconnect our personal lives from our business lives. This is the path of most people in a job. Even if they own their own business, many budding entrepreneurs are merely living their life like the business is their boss and they are the worst paid, most undervalued employee! It's time that we begin to turn ourselves FULLY onto what God designed. You will never find in His plan of success a disengagement of our talents, gifts or abilities and you will NEVER find a plan of leading us away from family, fun and the things we enjoy.
Hard work becomes an amazing pleasure when you are living the way you were designed to live.
People tell me every day they 'Wish they could take time off' or they 'Sure do hope they can quit their job one day to live a life of freedom.' This reveals a bigger problem then just a lack of real business understanding. It shows someone who doesn't know who they are, what they want or what they should be doing in the world.
When you come to a point where your greatest strength is showing up daily in business, your work will be a real pleasure and you won't have to recover after a hard day's effort and accomplishment! You'll enjoy your time off and enjoy your days in the office and the disconnect will no longer occur. You will stop feeling guilty when you get brilliant marketing plans in the middle of a Sunday church service and you won't feel like it is a horrific sin to have big dreams at night about building a huge multi-million dollar enterprise!
Learning to live free begins with learning to know what YOU want your life to look like. My life this year has 3 months off. It has 3 months where I can devour a ton of books, walk along beaches, sleep in, parasail in Maui, go snorkeling with turtles, buy dresses in Paris and even get more than one Louis Vuitton handbag, paid with cash without any regret! It includes giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to the poor, investing my time, talent and abilities into hundreds of thousands of our clients lives and being FULLY ON when I step into my office, whenever I map that out to be.
So, how do YOU get to take two weeks off and stay afloat and on task? Here are a few tips to get you started-
#1- Your beliefs about taking this time for yourself has to be a big priority.
You can't keep putting yourself last. YOU my friend, are the biggest asset in your business. Take good care of you. Eat right, get enough sleep, take good supplements, keep a clean heart and steward YOU like it's the biggest gift you've ever been given, because, truly it is.
Give yourself time to breathe. Give yourself time to live and stop, right now, letting others dictate what is best for you. I realize it can be a big change, I've been there…. at first you might feel like a drug addict looking for a vein when your entire life has been designed to please and pattern yourself after the expectations everyone else had of you, HOWEVER, I'm also here to say YOU CAN DO IT. If I did, you can , too.
#2- Start small and give yourself time off now.
One of the most pathetic things I see people do is 'shoot for something they can't do and give up what they can do'. Don't be that way. Start now, today, and schedule a 3-day weekend every 2 months. Tell your pulse to slow down and get over it. IT'S TIME.
Schedule a 3-day weekend where you take Friday away from everything. Then spin it up a bit and take Monday off, with a Sat, Sun and Mon off!
Get it on the schedule and pay strict attention to this, like you would a doctors appointment you can't miss! If you don't do this, you might end up with some doctors appointments and eventually you'll have to do it anyways, so do it now.
Last year I took off 6 weeks during the year and it was one of the biggest breakthroughs I've ever had in my life and business, personally. Our first trip to Maui completely RUINED ME in all the right ways. That didn't happen however until I 'increased my faith' and took some 3-day weekends prior to a long 10 day vacation.
Do it now.
#3- Be accountable to a coach. Listen, I'm not pitching myself to you. If you have someone you can work with and they are helping you get big results in your business AND your life, great! But if you don't, you had better start taking this more seriously. You can't keep making yourself accountable to a bunch of peers who aren't doing what you want to do!
Put self-imposed constraints around yourself. This is how Olympic athletes, executives, aspiring writers, singers and anyone who has a goal that is beyond the norm gets the job done.
You can't keep living your life like everyone else if you want to live a totally different life!
Schedule the time and make it something that can't be changed. Your family will feel loved. Your spouse will be so excited! But more than even all of these amazing results you'll gain, you will tell YOURSELF that you are valuable by getting someone to hold you accountable and then accomplish your goal.
Get a coach and be accountable with your actions. Stop trying to do things alone. And just a side tip…. stop working with coaches who work 24/7, are always available by phone, email, and any other connection you'd happen to have! Start working with people who have the kind of life you want! It makes a world of difference.
#4- Get a grip on how you're living your life now.
Time management is not the key, life design is the goal. There are hundreds of thousands of people I've personally met through our client base, our social media connections, live events and beyond who confess that they 'have the latest planner' and still feel completely out of control.
Remember, you have to associate enormous pleasure with getting your life back in control. Enormous pain should be what you attach to being all over the place and constantly feeling bad about how you feel. It all starts with a decision. Listen to this 1 hour training I did on how to get your life, your time and your dreams in focus so you CAN have the life you crave NOW! (Audio recording is a free download- get it now!)
Quit hanging out on free Facebook groups where everyone is talking about supporting everyone else and no one is going anywhere.
Get a kitchen timer and "Hit the floor RUNNING" everyday, setting the timer to one full hour of full on hard work!"
Schedule breaks, be honest with yourself, write out that To Do list and do whatever it takes to get it DONE!
If you want to take two weeks off every 3 weeks it's not going to happen because God drops a new life on top of the one you're now struggling in like some wild "Wizard Of Oz" fantasy. It will happen because you planned it, you did what it takes to make it happen. You worked hard and put away some extra money so that you can take the time off and you did whatever it takes to live the life you are dreaming of.
We are so grateful to have a large community growing here at A Real Change International.
I'm so honored to be able to encourage you, work with you and make a big change in the world, all of us working together to make it a reality. It's time, my friends, it's time. 2012 is the YEAR where the dreams you've been praying about are going to be MANIFEST before your very eyes.
Now go do what it takes to make it happen. I've given you clear step by step strategies that can get anyone off to the best start!
Ready.. set… GO!
With love,Sandi Krakowski
i took the address dow of where this is & its arealchange.com/blog/
How To Take Two Weeks Off Every 3 Months & Make More Money, Play More And Build A Bigger Business
By: Sandi Krakowski
The responses have been varied. Everything from, "Well sure, a millionaire can do that" to things like, "I wish I could do that. Can you teach me how? Oh sure, that's impossible!"
When people hear that this year I've planned 2 weeks off every 3 months, they are shocked. One very analytical client wrote, "Ok, how does this work? You'll be off all appointments and coaching 3 full months this year?!" I replied with a chuckle, "Yeah, isn't it great?"
Today I want to share with you how to take more time off, make more money, play more, enjoy your life and build a big business all at the same time. It won't require you have a big team of staff like we do, you don't have to wait until you have a payroll of more than 200 hours per week either. You can do it simply and you can do it now.
First things first.
How do you feel when I say I am taking this much time off? Do you feel like that is good for others but it would never happen to you? Does your blood pressure rise? Do you feel anger or even jealousy? Oh come on now, be honest. I had ALL of those feelings in my past of building businesses. When someone told me 14 years ago that it would be a good plan to have at least 4 months of all expenses tucked away for an emergency the first thing that flew out of my mouth was, "Well I'd like to have just one week, thank you very much!" Can you relate?
It would frustrate me when people said to take time off, rest more, relax and take good care of myself. I was STRIVING to build a big business and chasing my dream! For goodness sake I'll sleep when I am dead! And sadly, dead I almost was. Crashed. Sicker than a dog some 8 years ago. Ready to kick it all in. Forget it. Give up, this is a pipe dream and to be very blatantly honestly, these words flew out of my mouth,
"There is no way in hell I will EVER build a business, ever again."
But God. WOW.
Taking time off and really enjoying it takes much more than just a big bankroll. It takes a big belief. You have to first change your beliefs about time off and time on. Sadly, the corporate mindset has programmed so many people to ONLY enjoy time off and to resent time on that most people live for weekends. What a pathetic way to live. Sad. But let's examine this statement for what it is.
Time off and time on is a corporate mentality that infers that we disconnect our personal lives from our business lives. This is the path of most people in a job. Even if they own their own business, many budding entrepreneurs are merely living their life like the business is their boss and they are the worst paid, most undervalued employee! It's time that we begin to turn ourselves FULLY onto what God designed. You will never find in His plan of success a disengagement of our talents, gifts or abilities and you will NEVER find a plan of leading us away from family, fun and the things we enjoy.
Hard work becomes an amazing pleasure when you are living the way you were designed to live.
People tell me every day they 'Wish they could take time off' or they 'Sure do hope they can quit their job one day to live a life of freedom.' This reveals a bigger problem then just a lack of real business understanding. It shows someone who doesn't know who they are, what they want or what they should be doing in the world.
When you come to a point where your greatest strength is showing up daily in business, your work will be a real pleasure and you won't have to recover after a hard day's effort and accomplishment! You'll enjoy your time off and enjoy your days in the office and the disconnect will no longer occur. You will stop feeling guilty when you get brilliant marketing plans in the middle of a Sunday church service and you won't feel like it is a horrific sin to have big dreams at night about building a huge multi-million dollar enterprise!
Learning to live free begins with learning to know what YOU want your life to look like. My life this year has 3 months off. It has 3 months where I can devour a ton of books, walk along beaches, sleep in, parasail in Maui, go snorkeling with turtles, buy dresses in Paris and even get more than one Louis Vuitton handbag, paid with cash without any regret! It includes giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to the poor, investing my time, talent and abilities into hundreds of thousands of our clients lives and being FULLY ON when I step into my office, whenever I map that out to be.
So, how do YOU get to take two weeks off and stay afloat and on task? Here are a few tips to get you started-
#1- Your beliefs about taking this time for yourself has to be a big priority.
You can't keep putting yourself last. YOU my friend, are the biggest asset in your business. Take good care of you. Eat right, get enough sleep, take good supplements, keep a clean heart and steward YOU like it's the biggest gift you've ever been given, because, truly it is.
Give yourself time to breathe. Give yourself time to live and stop, right now, letting others dictate what is best for you. I realize it can be a big change, I've been there…. at first you might feel like a drug addict looking for a vein when your entire life has been designed to please and pattern yourself after the expectations everyone else had of you, HOWEVER, I'm also here to say YOU CAN DO IT. If I did, you can , too.
#2- Start small and give yourself time off now.
One of the most pathetic things I see people do is 'shoot for something they can't do and give up what they can do'. Don't be that way. Start now, today, and schedule a 3-day weekend every 2 months. Tell your pulse to slow down and get over it. IT'S TIME.
Schedule a 3-day weekend where you take Friday away from everything. Then spin it up a bit and take Monday off, with a Sat, Sun and Mon off!
Get it on the schedule and pay strict attention to this, like you would a doctors appointment you can't miss! If you don't do this, you might end up with some doctors appointments and eventually you'll have to do it anyways, so do it now.
Last year I took off 6 weeks during the year and it was one of the biggest breakthroughs I've ever had in my life and business, personally. Our first trip to Maui completely RUINED ME in all the right ways. That didn't happen however until I 'increased my faith' and took some 3-day weekends prior to a long 10 day vacation.
Do it now.
#3- Be accountable to a coach. Listen, I'm not pitching myself to you. If you have someone you can work with and they are helping you get big results in your business AND your life, great! But if you don't, you had better start taking this more seriously. You can't keep making yourself accountable to a bunch of peers who aren't doing what you want to do!
Put self-imposed constraints around yourself. This is how Olympic athletes, executives, aspiring writers, singers and anyone who has a goal that is beyond the norm gets the job done.
You can't keep living your life like everyone else if you want to live a totally different life!
Schedule the time and make it something that can't be changed. Your family will feel loved. Your spouse will be so excited! But more than even all of these amazing results you'll gain, you will tell YOURSELF that you are valuable by getting someone to hold you accountable and then accomplish your goal.
Get a coach and be accountable with your actions. Stop trying to do things alone. And just a side tip…. stop working with coaches who work 24/7, are always available by phone, email, and any other connection you'd happen to have! Start working with people who have the kind of life you want! It makes a world of difference.
#4- Get a grip on how you're living your life now.
Time management is not the key, life design is the goal. There are hundreds of thousands of people I've personally met through our client base, our social media connections, live events and beyond who confess that they 'have the latest planner' and still feel completely out of control.
Remember, you have to associate enormous pleasure with getting your life back in control. Enormous pain should be what you attach to being all over the place and constantly feeling bad about how you feel. It all starts with a decision. Listen to this 1 hour training I did on how to get your life, your time and your dreams in focus so you CAN have the life you crave NOW! (Audio recording is a free download- get it now!)
Quit hanging out on free Facebook groups where everyone is talking about supporting everyone else and no one is going anywhere.
Get a kitchen timer and "Hit the floor RUNNING" everyday, setting the timer to one full hour of full on hard work!"
Schedule breaks, be honest with yourself, write out that To Do list and do whatever it takes to get it DONE!
If you want to take two weeks off every 3 weeks it's not going to happen because God drops a new life on top of the one you're now struggling in like some wild "Wizard Of Oz" fantasy. It will happen because you planned it, you did what it takes to make it happen. You worked hard and put away some extra money so that you can take the time off and you did whatever it takes to live the life you are dreaming of.
We are so grateful to have a large community growing here at A Real Change International.
I'm so honored to be able to encourage you, work with you and make a big change in the world, all of us working together to make it a reality. It's time, my friends, it's time. 2012 is the YEAR where the dreams you've been praying about are going to be MANIFEST before your very eyes.
Now go do what it takes to make it happen. I've given you clear step by step strategies that can get anyone off to the best start!
Ready.. set… GO!
With love,Sandi Krakowski
i took the address dow of where this is & its arealchange.com/blog/
Thursday, March 8, 2012
rules to live by
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
cheesy potato soup
today i made cheesy potato soup
8 c. cubed potates 2 c. sliced carrots 2c. celery 1/2 onion (i tweeked the recipie becuase i didnt have enough potatoes & edient want to buy more i also only had baby carrots & used those instead of sliceing them) boil water barely submergd. boil 15-20 minutes

separate pan 2 sticks butter gradually add 1 c. flour gradually add 8 c. milk (1 cup at a time)

from the vegetables take out 2 cups of water add milk & butter mixture to the vegetables

add 2 c grated cheese (i added more) cook until cheese is mealted

sereve and eat

8 c. cubed potates 2 c. sliced carrots 2c. celery 1/2 onion (i tweeked the recipie becuase i didnt have enough potatoes & edient want to buy more i also only had baby carrots & used those instead of sliceing them) boil water barely submergd. boil 15-20 minutes
separate pan 2 sticks butter gradually add 1 c. flour gradually add 8 c. milk (1 cup at a time)
from the vegetables take out 2 cups of water add milk & butter mixture to the vegetables
add 2 c grated cheese (i added more) cook until cheese is mealted
sereve and eat
thank you kelly clark from the eldorado estates ward for submitting this recipie it is easy to make and very delicious
this was just barley done cooking when dad walked in the living room to relax & asked my why all of asudden this demestic cooking thing is comeing from me? i said i donr know it beats buying fast food.
that floored him he was shocked i even said that becuse i am a fast food junkie however i have been wanting to make homemade food latley & just havent done it till now so we will see what i whip up next
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
i have to brag about myself
so i got tired of useing my laptop while i was sitting on my bed so i decided to buy a desk. i get emails from target about 2 weeks ago i was looking threw the office furniture section and found a desk & a hutch that i liked i got the hutch first my roommate & i luged it up the stairs and on monday i finally put it together

then this morning i got the desk i managed to lug it up the stairs myself (yes it was heavy & so was the hutch) and i promptly put it together

i put it were it neede to go and put on the hutch. im so proud of myself becuse the last time i assembled a peice of furniture it took forever & i swore i would never do it again. well actually i forgot about swearing off never assembleing furniture again till this very second as i was typeing im glad i had forgotten about it becuse im very proud of myself

i then came over to my parents house & made dinner for us our friend perri had told us about her making ranch chicken out of the stake cookbook between mom & i we had everything well mstly everything
then this morning i got the desk i managed to lug it up the stairs myself (yes it was heavy & so was the hutch) and i promptly put it together
i put it were it neede to go and put on the hutch. im so proud of myself becuse the last time i assembled a peice of furniture it took forever & i swore i would never do it again. well actually i forgot about swearing off never assembleing furniture again till this very second as i was typeing im glad i had forgotten about it becuse im very proud of myself
i then came over to my parents house & made dinner for us our friend perri had told us about her making ranch chicken out of the stake cookbook between mom & i we had everything well mstly everything
here is the recipie it was submitted by celise salmon in the eldorado highlands ward
2 lbs of chicken breasts 2 cans of cream of chicken soup 1 ranch seasoning packet. (i used chicken tenders & added garlic powder)
mix soup and seasoning, pour over chicken. bake until cooked (about 1 hour) at 400 degrees or in a crockpot. serve over rice useing yummy sauce as a gravy
Monday, March 5, 2012
gluten free mac & cheese
at the begining of the year i decided to go on a gluten free diet due to my wheat allergy i havent been perfect at following gluten free but i have been better then i was last year. my roommate carol had bought me some gluten free mac & cheese it has rice pasta & it is pretty good it tastes different then regular mac & cheese & i know everything is going to taste different then what im used too & thats ok the only thing im debateing on never eating again is gluten free bread but i think thats becuse i wasnt expecting that much if a difference in taste.
if any of you know of or see anything gluten free let me know so i can try it out please & thank you the mac & cheese box has a recipe on it for gluten free lasagna i will have to try out soon
if any of you know of or see anything gluten free let me know so i can try it out please & thank you the mac & cheese box has a recipe on it for gluten free lasagna i will have to try out soon
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