goals for 2012

my BIG & ONLY goal is to become a better me

i have decided that i will accomplish this goal by breacking it down to smaller goals for differnt aspects of my life some are personal some is one that is not here are some that are not so personal

#1 live simply. live with stuff that i need and use get rid of stuff i dont need.

well there are more however i will blog about this one for now

Monday, April 16, 2012

the joys of the little & simple things in life

since i have decided to live simply this year (im still working on that) this also counts in the goal i have

first of all i saw this quote about 5 years ago and i loved it ALOT its so true. sometimes i have a hard time enjoying the little things in life or even realizing what the little things in life are and takeing them for granted like being able to drink dr pepper everyday and i usally do drink dr pepper everyday well most days sometimes i drink mt dew well about a week and a half ago i had to report my debit card lost/stolen due to an unathurized transaction i had forgotten about it until a week later when i was talking woth my bank about why wasnt it working (it didnt work when i went to buy my dr pepper & gas for my car) taht was friday morning and since i work thursdays fridays & saturdays 12 hours each day and the bank being closed on sundays i had no access to my money till this morning when it opened do i could go in and get money out (yea haveing a working debit card is another little/simple pleasure of mine) so i got the money went & got a dr pepper & put gas in my car i love loVE LOVE having a full tank of gas its very comforting to me & i love loVE LOVE dr pepper it calms my nerves so my day was made & i was happy with those 2 simple things then things got better i went to the store to get water & it was on sale for .99 cents a gallon and the thing that spits out the recipts at the register spit out a coupon off for fresh frut guess what i will be buying tomorrow or the next day? i have decided that i need to conciously look for the small joys in everyday becuse those things can make a huge difference.


  1. That is so true!! The more we take note of the little blessings, the more we realize they aren't little at all!

  2. It does make a huge difference to notice the little things. The more you look, the more you see God's tender mercies every day, and that's a blessing too.

  3. That is so true, the little things do make a hugh difference and they are God's tender mercies. Love Ya, MOM

  4. Great post and reminder!! I HATE it when the gas tank in my car is empty. So, I need to reverse that and remember to be thankful for when it is full. :) And -- an ice cold Diet Pepsi sure never hurts my day AT ALL!! haha.
