goals for 2012

my BIG & ONLY goal is to become a better me

i have decided that i will accomplish this goal by breacking it down to smaller goals for differnt aspects of my life some are personal some is one that is not here are some that are not so personal

#1 live simply. live with stuff that i need and use get rid of stuff i dont need.

well there are more however i will blog about this one for now

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Today's bus ride

Ironman st George was today so I don't take the bus home from work.  I did however take it to the movies this evening.  (I'm blogging from the theater don't worry the movie starts in a half hour). I got to the bus stop and when it came it was the short bus.  Yep I'm special apperantly.  It was quite fun being in the small bus. 

And this is what it looks like to be in the small bus. 


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